Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome to the monkey house

Geez its June 19th and John posted about the Vonnegut video on the fifth I really am a lay about.

I started blogging about the video when John first posted (Mostly to note a video about everyone in Grand Rapids lip syncing that Don McLean chestnut "American Pie". Its extraordinarily well done and makes you wish you lived in Grand Rapids until you realise you'd be living in Grand Rapids.) At any rate I posted it on Products of a Diseased Mind, my other blog,(Don't go there, I haven't updated it in nearly two years.) and couldn't figure out how to move the post to Neglected Niche so I gave up and began work on some stories of my own.

That's why I haven't posted recently. I really was busy and I forgot.

I am afraid this is about as good as this blog gets Duncan, I'm sorry.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tea-Ball and Sympathy

Take the rehab slow, try some long toss before you try some hard throwing. Light weights and Jacussi time... you'll be back on the mound for the Mudhens in no time. Years from now, when you speak of this... and you will... Be kind.

Bataan Death March Madness

It seems to me to be needlessly cruel to make these vetrans re-live the experience of Bataan by marching them through Chicago. Did they line the route with psychotic Japanese soldiers to bayonet them when they collapsed from exhaustion? It reminds me of how they'd roll out Christopher Reeve in his wheel chair and everyone stood up and applauded. Really people! He knew he couldn't stand up, did they have to remind him.